Understanding heritage conservation. .


Heritage Conservation in the Leichhardt Council Area – The Principles of Good Practice – An Introductory Talk


One of Australia’s most experienced and respected heritage consultants and Lilyfield resident Meredith Walker will present an illustrated talk on behalf of Leichhardt Council, on the history and principles of heritage conservation and the wide range of places and issues that make up Leichhardt Municipality’s heritage.


All are welcome to attend this free information seminar.


Meredith Walker is a past president of Australia ICOMOS – the international council on monuments and sites and is actively involved in the reparation and review of the Burra Charter – the Australian standard for good practice in heritage conservation.




Annandale acqueduct, ca 1895

Annandale acqueduct, ca 1895




The talk will draw on Meredith’s experiences as a resident of Leichhardt Municipality, as a member of the National Trust, and her work as co-author of The Illustrated Burra Charter: Good Practice for Heritage Places – which includes examples of good practice from around Australia – including Leichhardt.


A short complementary presentation will be made on the night by Christopher Reeves, Council’s part-time heritage planner, who will briefly describe the provisions for heritage conservation in the Leichhardt area.


A light supper and refreshments will be provided.


Day, Date & Time: Thursday, 26 February 20096.30pm – 8.15pm.


Venue: Leichhardt Council Chambers – First Floor, Leichhardt Town Hall, corner of Marion & Norton Streets, Leichhardt.


Parking and access facilities: the venue has disabled access via Marion Street & parking is available in the adjacent Marion Street Car park.


RSVP: is essential for the event, due to restricted numbers (the venue has a capacity for 55 places) and for catering purposes – Telephone (02) 9367 9220 during business hours.


Cost:  This is a free seminar.