Balmain Town Hall dome

In this 1909 aerial image by Kerry Studios we can see the dome that was situated on top of Balmain Town Hall – a handsome complement to its dome-topped neighbour the Balmain Court House.

Built in 1888 and designed by architect E. H. Buchannan the Balmain Town Hall  is classified as a ‘Victorian Free Classical’ style building.

The dome was supported on an arcaded storey,  capped by a lantern and was designed to emphasise the stair tower. The design of one dome as opposed to two was a break away from the symmetrical precepts which denoted Victorian Classical Style buildings. What resulted was an asymmetrrical building in the Classical style, freely interpreted.

The dome, lantern and arcaded storey were removed during World War II  leaving a gap in the skyline of Darling Street’s civic precinct.  More on Kerry & Co studios can be found at,1420,Charles_Kerry_Photography_Studio_1885-1917